Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Hi my name is Dominik. I'm come from Poland.I'm live in Toruń.In Toruń a lot of old monuments.Home to the Santa Copernicus.Toruń is famous for its delicious scent of gingerbread.


  1. Dominik! Copernicus don't was Saint, but his name was Nicolas ;)

  2. Hi my name is Konrad. I live in Poland in a city Toruń.I like play football. Toruń is very big city witch lots of monuments. We have here curve tower and monument of Copernicus.

  3. Hi! My name is Mateusz. Poland is a very big country, where live
    38 milions people. All year, a lot of people are visited our land.
    Poland was 123 years under occupation.
